Cold Storage Construction

Our cold storage construction clients enjoy the advantages of working with experienced professionals. Our projects range in size from 500 square feet to 150,000 square feet. Burch has built an array of facilities – from fruit and produce cold storage buildings, meat processing and ice cream distribution facilities, along with scientific laboratories.

Our Expertise

Leading The Way In Cold Construction!

In-house engineering and design capabilities using the latest software enables our staff to deliver turn-key projects specifically built to fit the exact requirements of the client. Extensive experience in refrigeration and insulated metal panels places our cold storage construction team in a position to evaluate our client’s cold storage objectives and make informed decisions about their current and future needs.

What We Do

Our Specialties

Design & Build Cold Storage Facilities

Split System, Freon Refrigeration Systems and Freon Recovery

Building Envelope Construction with Insulated Metal Panels

Efficiency Upgrades

Building Automation Systems for Refrigeration Applications

HVAC and Refrigeration Equipment Upgrades

Have a project in mind?

Our Cold Storage Construction division is the choice of hundreds of satisfied customers throughout the country. If you want to take the headaches out of your cold storage expansion and construction projects, you need to choose the professionals – choose Burch!